Migrating Snow Geese in flight
Back To Photography Page Rural Landscapes Bald Eagles Other Wildlife Spring 2007

April 2, 2007
Last bloom of March.



First blooms of April.

Blooming Shrub

Yellow blooming shrub

One day while in Auburn this week, the Courthouse square was like a park; Robins and Cardinals were singing, and this Bluejay was hunting for food in the grass.


Bluejay on Courthouse lawn

Robin high in tree...stone courthouse wall in left of picture.


Robin next to Courthouse

This Robin was in my front yard the other morning.

Robin in Burr Oak tree

Robin in Burr Oak


Most find the Turkey Vulture unpleasant to look at up close, but they perform at least one worthwhile purpose by helping to clean up roadsides.


The Turkey Vulture is a scavenger

These Downey Woodpeckers seem to be flirting with one another.

Downey Woodpeckers

Two Downey Woodpeckers

Two Downey Woodpeckers, sitting in a tree...

Downey Woodpeckers kissing or feeding


More fluttering and flirting, courting, playing.

Fluttering Wings

Flirting again.

Chasing each other around the branches.

Chasing each other

Playing hide-and-seek around the branch.

I didn't detect any red on either Downey. Maybe they are just siblings?

Together at pause


The female Cardinal can be mistaken for a Cedar Waxwing, but the Waxwing's colors are more vivid.  This Lady's colors seem to include more red than usual...maybe 'cause it's Spring.

Lady Cardinal

Here's Lady again

Some of the male House Finches seem 'redder' than others...I would guess youth has something to do with it.

House Finch

House Finch, Male

I caught the Nuthatches together here.  They seemed only interested in eating. Don't miss the one to the right, partly obscured by the tree.

Two Nuthatches

Both Nuthatches

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